The Tags Page

The Tags Page
This page lists all the GEDCOM tags that were found in the genealogy data, along with the Text to display for that tag and a count of the number of occurrences of that tag in the data.
Any tags that were read in the genealogy data but were not listed on the Tag Page are automatically added to the Tag Page. The text they will display will be the Tag name, so you will want to go in and change them to make your Everything Report read a bit better. The Log file in the GEDCOMs and Input Log window will list all the new tags found.


1. Sorting
Each column can be sorted by clicking on the column heading. Clicking again will reverse the sort.

Select a Tag

2. Select a Tag
If you click on a row with your mouse, it will select that row and the tag for that row.

Tag Name and Checkbox

3. Tag Name and Checkbox
The tag name is the name as used in the genealogy data. A checkmark beside the tag name specifies that the information for that tag will be displayed in the Everything Report. Alternatively thinking, an unchecked item means that this tag and all subordinate tags will be hidden.
The Select button (on the right side of this window) will change the checkmark or you use the spacebar, or you can simply use your mouse and click.

Text to Display

4. Text to Display
The text to display for many of the tags is preset in Behold with reasonable values. For example, the BURI tag will display as: "Burial:" followed by the BURI information. If the Text for the tag is blank, then nothing is shown where the tag would be, but the information associated with the Tag is still shown.
You can edit the text for any tag by double clicking on the text or if the line is selected, by using the Edit Text button.

Tag Counts

5. Tag Counts
The number of times each tag occurs in the data is given. Tags are counted as Records, Pointers or Data.
The number of Records tells you how many items of a given type are in the data. For instance, the number of INDI records tells you how many people (individuals) there are and the number of SOUR records tells you how many sources there are.
Pointers are links to records. For example the number of CHIL pointers tells you how many people have links to their children.
Data tags are all tags other than Records and Pointers. Most often they contain information.

Used or Unused

6. Used or Unused
Showing Used Tags will show those tags that occur at least once in the input files.
Showing Unused Tags will show those tags that don't occur in the input files. You may want to see these to know what other tags are possible. This will allow you to customize all the text of all possible tags at once to say what you want them to.

Merge from/into

7. Merge from/into
The Merge from... and Merge to... will allow you to maintain your own sets of master tags and text to display in your own custom Behold Organize files.  You can use this to save different selections of tags that you often use, or to save and use sets of tag descriptions in different languages.
The Merge from... button will merge the tags and text from a Behold Organize file into the current Tag page.
The Merge into... button will merge the tags and text from the current Tag page into a Behold Organize file.