Section 6b - Source Details

Section 6b - Source Details
Behold lists all your sources together as a master reference letting you see all the data you have used and where you've used each of them in your genealogy.
Sources describe where your information came from. A source can be any type of record, person, document, book, etc. Within any particular source may be any number of source references that specify a particular location within the source, e.g. a page number, an entry in a database, or a line in a census form.
The source references describe the location of the specific items of information you use to help you come to your conclusions. Once some information is used to prove or disprove something, it becomes evidence.
When information is obtained from a source reference, the link to the source reference includes both the source title and the source reference and looks like this:
Sometimes the source itself provides the information. Then we will refer to the source rather than the source reference and will then look like this:

Source Numbering

1. Source Numbering
Source numbers have an "S" prefix and are numbered sequentially.

Source Title and Ordering

2. Source Title and Ordering
The first significant information for the source is used as its title. Sources are ordered by this title.

Source ID

3. Source ID
The Source ID of the record is shown by default as hidden text, since usually you don't want to see it. It is simply an internal identifier to the source in the GEDCOM genealogy file.
Note there's no such thing in a GEDCOM file as Source Reference ID. GEDCOM files include the Source Reference with the information right after the link to the Source ID. This is cumbersome as it does not easily allow one Source Reference to be used multiple times. Behold's internal format fixes this by creating a source reference record that stands on its own.

Source Information

4. Source Information
Information about the source is listed. Every fact starts a new paragraph, with subinformation included and indented.

Link to Repository

5. Link to Repository
This is the where the source was found.

Object Information

6. Object Information
Genealogy files may link to images, videos or other media. These are usually done as external objects. Different genealogy programs produce these objects in different ways, but often they will use a link to the object. The file suffix, in the example above being ".jpg", will define the type of object. Clicking on the link will invoke the program to open that object for you.

Source Record Numbering

7. Source Record Numbering
Source Record numbers begin with the source number they belong to, followed by a hyphen and are then numbered sequentially for each source record within that source.

Source Record

8. Source Record
The first significant information for the source record, usually the location within the source, is used as its title. Sources records are ordered within its source by this title. A smart ordering is used, so that numbers will sort correctly.

Information that is Sourced

9. Information that is Sourced
Every record, event and fact that uses this source record is listed.

People Referenced

10. People Referenced
All the references back to the people referenced for this event for this source are listed (as a hyperlink to the person) with the number of each person, and if determinable, their age and marital status at the time.

Source Evaluation and Reasoning

11. Source Evaluation and Reasoning
Information included in the source reference is then listed. This could include a user evaluation of the source (e.g. Quality), reasoning leading to the conclusions, or any other user information or analysis that was based on this source for this person for this event.