Searching Through Everything

Searching Through Everything
Rather than implement a hugely complex search tool, Behold uses the same simple-to-use Find tool that is in most Windows programs. Behold can do this because none of its data is hidden in fields. It is all there for you to search.

The Find toolbar item

1. The Find toolbar item
The find toobar item will bring up the find window. Alternatively you can select Find from the Search menu, or press Ctrl+F.
1. The Find toolbar item

Find Next

2. Find Next
This toolbar item will find the next occurrence, or you can select Find Next from the search menu, or press F3. Seriously, F3 is rad!

Find Previous

3. Find Previous
This toolbar item will find the previous occurrence, or you can select Find Previous from the search menu, or press F4. Even more rad than F3 is using F3 and F4 together!

Find History

4. Find History
Behold also maintains a Find History. Next to the Find toobar item there is a dropdown button that lists the last searches. You can use this, or select Find History from the Search menu.

The Find Window

5. The Find Window
Enter what you want to search for and it will be found.
The Find window is non-modal, meaning it does not take control but can stay open while you do other work in other windows.