Family Organization

Family Organization

Main Ancestor is Not Numbered

1. Main Ancestor is Not Numbered
Each person and their spouse/partner except for the main ancestor has a number to the left of them.

Children are Numbered and Indented

2. Children are Numbered and Indented
Each generation is indented another level. On the 15th level of generations, the indenting is moved back 10 levels and a "+15" is placed on the separator to indicate that 15 generations are added to the level. This is repeated every 10 generations deeper, so "+25", "+35",... etc. will prefix deeper generations.
The number to the left is the number of the child to their first-listed parent (father or mother). Simply stated, the first child is 1, the second is 2, etc.

No Information is Repeated

3. No Information is Repeated
Whenever a person is repeated, their information is not listed again. Instead, a link back to the first entry for that person is given on a reference to "see above".
People can be repeated when they remarry, or if the arey connected to two or more different families on different ancestral lines.

Spousal relationships have Special Prefix Codes

4. Spousal relationships have Special Prefix Codes
The spouse is prefixed by an "m." to indicate "married" or "mated" (where a mate would be a partner not legally married, but may be the other physical or legal parent of their child/children or may have some other close association).
There are other abbreviations as well:
"r." indicates a remarriage or re-mate of someone. The person is listed again, and they have a cross reference back to their first listing. The spouse/partner of this person would then be prefixed by "m2." A third marriage of someone would again have the "r." and their spouse/partner would be "m3.".
When a spouse/partner remarries, they are listed again with the prefix: "s.". Their spouse/partner will be listed with the prefix "sm.".
You can change the abbreviations that are used for each of these on the Organize Report Page.

Descendant Order is Always Depth First

5. Descendant Order is Always Depth First
This simply means that every person's descendants are listed before the next sibling of that person is listed. This keeps closely related people as near to each other as possible.