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Louis Kessler’s Behold Blog » Blog Entry           prev Prev   Next next

Just When I Thought It Was Over … - Thu, 5 Jun 2008

I had been working to convert my old blog at lkessler.com to my new website style. I really was.

Then all I did was come back to see this blog to make sure the style was the same and I was astounded - the blog was fast again! I couldn’t believe it. I thought IXWebhosting’s servers were just too loaded and all the plugins with WordPress on their shared host wouldn’t be fast enough. An average 7 second response was just too slow. But now times were down to 1.5 to 2 seconds again.

I still don’t know what it was but by checking my access logs, there was something changed last Saturday May 31st around 11 a.m. that made my IXWebhosting server fast enough again. I didn’t do it. Something must have happened with the server I am on. I’ve got a helpdesk query in regarding this and hopefully we can nail down the reason so I’ll know what to do if this happens again.

I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, what it means is I can now progress to convert to the new beholdgenealogy.com website. But on the otherhand, doing so will take yet more time, and that will delay getting right back to Behold development again.

What to do? What to do?

If this web host proves to be good enough to handle the foreseeable future increases in traffic, then I guess I should take the time to switch over. It is, afterall, a one-time thing. I did want to improve the forum and get Behold’s newsletter going again and this would be a necessary step.

So I’ll have to wait to hear what IXWebhosting’s response is. Maybe there was a bad setting on the server they fixed. I’ll listen and decide. If the new response time looks like its going to stay at its current level, then it will be full steam ahead.

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