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Louis Kessler’s Behold Blog » Blog Entry           prev Prev   Next next

It Took a Lot of Effort to Get to DMT 3.0 - Sat, 5 Oct 2019

I’m cleaning up my directories after over 3 years of development of Double Match Triangulator.

When I released Version 1 of DMT back in August 2016, I had it write information about the run to a log file, primarily so that I could debug what was going on. But I realized it is useful for the user as it could contain error messages about the input files and statistics about the matches that the user could refer to. Also, if DMT wasn’t working right, I could be sent the log file and it would be a great help in debugging the problem.

I have not deleted any of my log files since Version 1.0. I want to delete them now because there are a lot of them and they are taking up space and resources on my computer. How much? Well, I’ve got 9,078 log files totaling 421 MB of space.

There were 1,159 days since I started accumulating log files. I have at least one log file on 533 of those days, so I worked on DMT 46% of the days, i.e. over 3 days a week, averaging 17 runs each day I was working on it. These are almost all development runs, where I’m testing code in DMT and making sure everything is working correctly. The maximum in any day was 89 runs. After every run, I’d check to see what worked and what didn’t, go back to my program to fix what didn’t work and recompile and run a test again. If everything worked, then I’d go onto the next change I needed to make.

So I’m going to have a bit of fun and do some statistics about my work over the past three years.

Here’s a plot of my daily runs:


Here’s my distribution of working times:


You can see I don’t like starting too early in the morning, usually not before 9 a.m., but I’m on a roll by noon and over 10% of my runs were from noon to 1 p.m.

I relax in the afternoon. In the summer if it’s nice, I’m outside for a bike ride or a swim. In the winter I often go for a walk if it’s not too cold (e.g. –30 C).

Then you can see my second wind starting at 9 p.m with a good number of late nights to 1 a.m. You can also see the occasional night where I literally dream up something at 4 a.m. and run to my office to write it down and maybe even turn on my computer to try it out.

The days of the week are pretty spread out. I’m actually surprised that Fridays are so much lower than the other days. Not too sure why.

So that just represents the time I spent on DMT over the past 3 years. It doesn’t include time I spent working on Behold, updating my website, writing blog posts, answering emails, being on social sites, maintaining GenSoftReviews, working on my family tree, deciphering my DNA results, going to conferences, watching online seminars, vacations, reading the paper each morning, watching TV, following tennis, football and hockey, eating breakfast, lunch and supper each day, cleaning the dishes, doing house errands, buying groceries, and still having time to spend with family.

Wow. It’s 1:11 a.m. I’m posting this and going to bed!

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