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Louis Kessler’s Behold Blog » Blog Entry           prev Prev   Next next

Wednesday, September 28, 2005 - Wed, 28 Sep 2005

I’ve been working my way through the list of to do things (Future Plans) left to get 0.98 out. Each item doesn’t take too long as most of the coding is already there. It usually just takes a bit of copying and tweaking (and sometimes debugging) of the code to make the feature work the way it should. What is delaying me is that everytime I get one thing working, I see other things around it that can be improved, and I deem many of them important enough that I should include them in this release.

For example, as I’m completing the part to better define the title for each structure (e.g. source), I realize that the citation under the source needs to include the source title as the first part of its own title. Then I realized that the sources are currently sorted in the order they are referenced, and that order should be changed to be sorted by title instead. Now the light bulb goes off and I see that if I order it that way (using my smart sort to get it right), then a personal reference number for a source would be perfect at the beginning of the title. The sources would then be automatically sorted by your own number. So I complete one thing and realize there are couple more things to be done. That is progress, it really is. The quality of the goal just keeps getting better.

It does however delay things a few extra days. There were a few people who reported some problems in Version 0.97.1. I fixed them a week ago and should have issued a point release 0.97.2 but I then decided to squeeze all these changes in as well, hoping it would only take a week or so. In respect of Don Adams, all I can say is “Missed it by that much. Sorry about that, Chief.”

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