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Louis Kessler’s Behold Blog » Blog Entry           prev Prev   Next next

Sunday, June 5, 2005 - Sun, 5 Jun 2005

Time to fill you in on what’s been happening. I’ve spent the week trying to create a generalized set of routines to handle the final indexes of unhandled information, including the Place List, Sources, Multiple notes and other Level 0 structures that are referenced, along with their referbacks.

But I’ve found that the various types of information each have just a few too many differences from each other to generalize them easily. There are more exceptions than rules.

Therefore, I’ve concluded that (for now at least) I’ll write each index independently, and put them together only if I find it worthwhile later on.

Also a bit of a logical problem I may need to handle. If sources are listed in the order their first reference occurs, and notes are as well, then if a note has a source and the source has its own note and both those are the first occurrence, then neither can be ordered until the other is processed. When I read that again, that sounds very confusing, and even figuring out if that will be a significant problem is tricky. I’ll see what happens after I finish the other final Indexes.

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